kendo UI data types

Data Type Column Template or Format Editor Parser
string Displayed as text. <input type="text" class="k-textbox" name="fieldName" data-bind="value:fieldName"> Internal method. String conversion.
number columns.format can be used to format the number as currency "{0:c2}", percentage "{0:p0}", exponential "{0:e4}" or a custom format "{0:0.00}". See all Number Formatting kendo.ui.NumericTextBox kendo.parseFloat()
date columns.format can be used to format the date as a short "{0:d}", long "{0:D}", full date/time "{0:F}" and many more standard and custom date patterns. See all Date Formatting kendo.ui.DatePicker kendo.parseDate()
boolean Displayed as lowercase text true or false <input type="checkbox" name="fieldName" data-type="boolean" data-bind="checked:fieldName"> Internal method. Boolean conversion.
object Arrays and Objects without templates are rendered as [object Object]. <input type="text" class="k-textbox" name="fieldName" data-bind="value:fieldName"> Not processed. The value is passed as is.

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